What story do YOU tell your fear?
In this episode we talk about what we did on our "summer sabbatical" + which books we read during it. We also talk about having fear, being fearless, & the science/biology of fear. We chat about the power of how we tell fear stories, what makes us feel afraid, strategies we use to show courage in the face of fear, & we end with the best quote ever! #befearless
Please listen on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ituneshhdiary
S H O W N O T E S:
We’re Back!!! We had a great time taking some downtime in Aug + Sept to be with friends + family and focus on projects we want to give our attention to over the fall months.
We share a few updates:
- Ange's updates:
- The Fall session of Eat Clean :: Get Lean starts Oct 12 and runs until Nov 9th. There's still time and only a few spots left to register. Here's the link to learn more + register
- Want to learn more about using pure essential oils to up level your health + self care? Over 800 wellness advocates have joined the Hol:Fit doTERRA team in the last 6 months - come on out to a free class to learn why. Here's Ange's essential oil class calendar
- If you're in London - Ange is co-hosting a DIY essential oil + self care night this Friday, Oct 10th. Tickets avail here.
- Want Ange to come teach to you and your friends? Message her at heyholfit@gmail.com to set it up!

- Gillian's updates:
- Gillian was recently interviewed on the #WellnessBizSummit with Lori Kennedy. You can listen to the full interview here!
- Gillian was honoured to be the keynote speaker last week at Bustin' Out and delivered a speech titled “Above all, be the heroine of your own life” This topic inspired us to have some conversation on the podcast about fear....
We talked about strategies we both use in the moment to breathe into fear and move towards it. Fear can really hold us all back from being our best and living life full out. And much of fear comes from the little stories we tell ourselves and give our power to.
We are both inspired by this quote from Marianne Williamson:
Peace, Love + #nofear,
The Girls of HHD